Our Ministry Partners

Phillip & Hannah Darko
Phillip & Hannah Darko serve with Arm of Hope in Ghana. Their mission
is to stretch arms of compassion to children living in poverty in the slums, providing them with the opportunity of education and introducing them to the love of Jesus, giving them real hope for their futures. They strive to see young people in slum communities discipled to love Jesus with all their hearts so they can rise up as leaders and disciple-makers who transform their community, their country, and their world.
Partner Websiteis to stretch arms of compassion to children living in poverty in the slums, providing them with the opportunity of education and introducing them to the love of Jesus, giving them real hope for their futures. They strive to see young people in slum communities discipled to love Jesus with all their hearts so they can rise up as leaders and disciple-makers who transform their community, their country, and their world.

Karmen & Kristin Friesen
Karmen & Kristin serve with World Without Orphans who pursue a world where every child is cared for in a safe and loving family.
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Ryan Denlinger
Ryan is an international itinerant minister who was raised in Elizabethtown and attended Hope while growing up. He studied in YWAM ministry schools and is on staff with YWAM in South Africa. Ryan often teaches in YWAM schools on the Holy Spirit, power evangelism, and Kingdom identity. He is the founder of Empowering Japan and has pioneered “Empowering conferences” where he does similar teaching and ministering in local churches in different countries to train and empower the individual in the Body of Christ into their identity and calling as sons and daughters of God.
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Rod & Mayra Fry
Rod & Mayra have served in Mexico City for over 25 years and have been involved in the planting of four Bible churches in Mexico City’s metropolitan area. They are convinced that the local church is the center of God’s program for outreach and spiritual growth in our world today. The Frys are actively involved in receiving short-term teams and coordinate an internship for Liebenzell. They consider it a tremendous privilege to live and minister with their dear Mexican church community.
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Joel Hoffsmith
Joel serves with EFCA Reach Global in Mexico City. Joel grew up in the Hershey/Grantville area and is now part of a team serving on a local college campus in south east Mexico City, getting to know and mentor young adult men attending college. His main responsibility will be to love and serve those in the community and use the opportunities the Lord gives him to share the Gospel.
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Greg & Sherry Lorei
Greg & Sherry believe that the Word of God changes lives, especially when it is put into audio and visual forms that clearly communicate in the language that people know best. The majority of the people in the developing world are oral learners who either cannot or prefer not to read, but they do have cell phones! Greg leads a team that develops tools to facilitate the translation of Bible stories using cell phones. In the Story Producer App, national workers record their voices into templates containing Bible story pictures to create shareable video stories which come to life in their own languages! Sherry is editing Bible story scripts to make sure they are clear and remain faithful to God’s Word.
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Richard & Faith Annan
Richard & Faith lead a Christian Agricultural Vocational School in Ghana to prepare young people with the knowledge and skills they need to become successful, God-honoring entrepreneurs. They teach and model biblical principles and agricultural practices that will enable men to be productive in both their society and in the Kingdom of God. Students gain hands-on experience by assisting with the larger projects of the farm which may include beef cattle, pineapples, laying hens, or other longer-term or larger scale projects.
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Pao & Mae Vang
The Vang family seeks to build relationships with nationals and share the hope of the gospel in predominantly Muslim and Buddhist areas through a variety of interactions as the Lord leads them.
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Lowell & Debbie
Lowell and Debbie are raising up a team to go to a source area of human trafficking in SE Asia with 27,000,000 unreached people. The focus of the teams discipleship ministry will be in the area of prevention of human trafficking among young adults. They plan to move to this area in the fall of 2024.
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