
July 21, 2024
Caleb Landis

Intentionality is a key principle in our walk with God. Just as God is intentional in His actions, He calls us to be intentional in ours, especially with our finances. Without a plan, we can easily fa ...

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July 14, 2024
Kirk Belmont

Our culture continually tells us that we don't have enough and we need more. People are under constant pressure to acquire better and newer possessions. This relentless message can make us feel inadeq ...

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July 7, 2024
Kirk Belmont

The comfortable lives we live as Americans often leads to discontentment. It is vital to recognize God's provision in our lives and remember that all of our blessings come from Him. As we delve into t ...

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June 30, 2024
Kirk Belmont

The idea of personal transformation is a powerful theme that resonates across various life stories, including those of Jermaine Wilson and Francis Collins. Wilson's journey from incarceration to commu ...

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June 23, 2024
Kirk Belmont

Why does a good God allow evil? Explore the age-old dilemma of faith and suffering, and discover a perspective that goes beyond philosophy to a personal encounter with divine love.

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