Our God is “Father to the fatherless.” (Psalm 68:5) We join with believers around the world to celebrate His love and we are called to care for orphans as well. To that end, we seek to:
- Grasp God’s heart for the fatherless more fully
- Understand the needs of at-risk and orphaned children in our community and world
- Pray regularly for orphaned and vulnerable children
- Support foster and adoptive families spiritually and practically through prayer, encouragement and acts of service
- Engage in ministry to orphans and at-risk children through strategic local and global partnerships
- Love and receive the fatherless as we have been loved and adopted by God
For information about how you can get involved, please contact the Orphan Care Ministry Team.
“Defend the weak and the fatherless.
Uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.”
Psalm 82:3