Caring Community is how Hope cares and supports people going through difficult times.
Our Philosophy on Caring
- Care takes place best in the context of meaningful relationship such as a small group
- Addressing deep physiological and emotional needs takes place best with trained counselors and shepherds
- For those not in community or in need of special help, an individual or team can come alongside.
Some ways that Hope Cares:
- Counsel - Limited counseling is available to assess needs and then refer to recommended Christian counselors.
- Prayer Support - A group regularly prays for needs of our church family. Hope communicates the weekly prayer requests as well as emergency needs via email.
- Financial Assistance - Limited financial assistance is available for those who are connected with Hope.
- Financial Education - One-on-one financial counseling is available, and church-wide financial training is offered through Financial Peace University classes.
- Compassion Support - Practical support, such as meals and personal visits, is available for those experiencing birth, illness, death of a loved one and other demanding life situations.
- Hospital Visitation - Trained chaplains make prompt visits to those in local hospitals
If you know of someone who needs meals or visitation or other assistance...Contact or call the church office at 717-653-7168.