Our Mission
The mission of Hope Community Church Youth Ministry is to bring glory God by igniting a strong Godly Faith into the hearts of our youth and challenge them to explode into the world to share the love of Christ through Grace and Truth.
Our Strategy
We pursue our mission through relationships between youth and their peers and adult leaders within and outside the church walls. Together we study the Truth in God’s Word and learn to apply it to the challenges that the youth face today’s culture. We have a blast as we do life together.
Sunday Mornings:
CrossTraining – junior high students meet on Sundays at 10:45 am. This time is designed to train students in the foundations of the faith and their knowledge of God’s Word. This class meets in the classroom directly off the youth room in the lower level of the church.
Table Talk – senior high students meet on Sundays at 10:45 am. This time is for informal discussion as they learn to apply biblical truths to relevant topics in youth culture today. This class meets in the youth room in the lower level of the church.
Sunday Evenings:
Digging Deeper - senior high students meet for Bible study on Sundays twice a month at the home of one of our leaders. It begins at 6:30 pm.
Tuesday Evening:
Junior and senior high school students meet from 7 to 9 p.m. for a teaching and discussion time that allows students to share their thoughts and questions as they grow in their relationship with the Lord, each other and the leaders. We look at a variety of issues that students are struggling with. Along with the teaching, we do know how to have fun! We mix things up with crazy games and lots of creative teaching methods.
You can find out more about Explosion Youth activities by contacting Sam Hundert.

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