Kingdom Kids ministry serves infants through 5th graders on Sunday mornings.
Our classes offer a friendly environment with an age-appropriate Bible lesson and activities and are staffed by screened and approved adult leaders who have completed PA background clearances.
- The two nurseries (birth through 15 months and 16 through 23 months) and the toddler room (2s & 3s) are open during the 9:00 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. services on the main level.
- The preschool through 5th grade classes meet during the 9:00 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. services on the lower level.
- Preschool through 5th grade children join adults in the sanctuary for singing and announcements and are then dismissed to their classes.
- Children 3 and under may be dropped off to their appropriate rooms at 8:45 a.m. and thereafter.
Child Check-in Procedure
Our children's safety is a top priority. Upon entering the lobby, parents/caregivers can check their children in at Hope's computerized check-in station on the left. Children can also be checked in while still in the parking lot using Hope's app. Once in the lobby, caregivers can scan the app-generated QR code to quickly print name tags and parent receipt stickers. Children need to wear their identification sticker to class, and parents must have their parent receipt sticker in order to pick up their children after services.
Our Mission
To partner with parents in the spiritual formation of their children and supply ongoing encouragement for them to be the primary developers of their children.
Our Vision
For children to know Jesus as their Savior and be changed by His love so that they can share God’s truth with others.
If you would like more information about the children’s ministry at Hope, please contact Becky Beaston, Director of Kingdom Kids.