Sermon Series: When Skeptics Ask

June 30, 2024
Kirk Belmont
What Can Change My Life For The Good?

The idea of personal transformation is a powerful theme that resonates across various life stories, including those of Jermaine Wilson and Francis Collins. Wilson's journey from incarceration to commu ...

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June 23, 2024
Kirk Belmont
How Can a Loving God Exist When There Is So Much Suffering?

Why does a good God allow evil? Explore the age-old dilemma of faith and suffering, and discover a perspective that goes beyond philosophy to a personal encounter with divine love.

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June 16, 2024
Michael Zigarelli
Can You Prove That God Exists? (Part 2)

Exploring the existence of God with skeptics involves respectful, evidence-based dialogue rather than debate. By considering fundamental questions about our origins, morality, and the afterlife, we ca ...

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June 9, 2024
Michael Zigarelli
Can You Prove That God Exists? (Part 1)

We live in an increasingly godless society, a society in which people just don't know if there's a God. They have questions because things don't make sense so they're looking for logical answers. They ...

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